Contact Us

You can contact our Customer Service team with any questions you might have about selling your scrap car with us. It helps if you can tell us your registration or reference number if you already have one.

Our Customer Service team is available Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm (outside of public holidays).

Email us

During our opening hours we’ll usually respond within two hours.

Public Holiday opening hours

Tip: you can move this table side to side on mobile devices if required.

2024Opening Hours
25th DecClosed
26th DecClosed
27th DecClosed

Tip: you can move this table side to side on mobile devices if required.

2025Opening Hours
1st JanClosed
18th Apr9am-2pm
21st AprClosed
26th May9am-2pm
25th Aug9am-2pm
25th DecClosed
26th DecClosed

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